Work experience
- K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award (5 years funding, ~1M), supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Project: Fast High-Resolution Microstructure Diffusion MRI Exploiting Data Redundancy.
Awards & Distinctions
- (2024) Magna Cum Laude award for oral talk ‘Cumulant tensors from the addition of angular momenta: All diffusion invariants in one abstract’ at the ISMRM annual meeting
- (2023) Summa Cum Laude award and AMPC top 100 selection for oral talk ‘What if every voxel was measured with a different diffusion protocol?’ at the ISMRM annual meeting
- (2022) Best presentation award for ‘Abandon All Shells: Rotational Invariants from Non-Rotationally-Invariant Acquisitions’ at the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group workshop held in Amsterdam.
- (2022) ISMRM Diffusion Study Group trainee award for the best abstract selected for oral presentation for ‘Fast acquisitions for mean kurtosis and microscopic fractional anisotropy’.
- (2022) ISMRM White Matter Study Group trainee award for the third-best abstract in the category of experienced ISMRM presenters for ‘Reproducibility of white matter microstructure mapping with diffusion-relaxometry’.
- (2022) Magna Cum Laude award for oral talk ‘Fast acquisitions for mean kurtosis and microscopic fractional anisotropy’ at the ISMRM annual meeting.
- (2021) Best presentation award for ‘Fast acquisitions for mean kurtosis and microscopic fractional anisotropy’ at the ISMRM Diffusion Day trainee workshop.
- (2021) Summa Cum Laude award for oral talk ‘How do we know we measure the tissue parameters, not the prior?’ at the ISMRM annual meeting.
- (2017-2019-2020) Educational Stipend International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
- (2019) Student Travel Award from the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI).
- (2015) Luis Augusto Huergo Award from the College of Engineers of Buenos Aires for achieving the highest GPA in an engineering specialty dictated by the UNLP.
- (2015) Award to the best graduate of Electrical Engineering given by the UNLP, La Plata, Argentina.
- (2015) Annual Award given by the Professional Counsel of Mechanic and Electrical Engineering for achieving the highest GPA in one of their engineering specialties.
- (2015) Best Graduated Awards given by the faculty of engineering (UNLP) for achieving the highest GPA in an engineering specialty.
- (2015) J. V. Gonzalez Award given by La Plata City Council for achieving one of the highest GPAs in the faculty of engineering (UNLP).
Teaching experience
- 2021 - Present: Teaching Assistant in Practical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Ph.D. course), Radiology Department, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, USA.
- 2017-2018 - Graduate Teaching Assistant in Mathematics of Imaging Sciences (MSc course), EEE Department, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
- 2012-2015 - Teaching Assistant in Numerical Analysis (undergraduate course), Faculty of Engineering UNLP, (FiUNLP), La Plata, Argentina.
- 2015 - Teaching Assistant in Control and Servomecanisms (undergraduate course), FiUNLP, La Plata, Argentina.
- 2013 - Teaching Assistant in Electromagnetism (undergraduate course), FiUNLP, La Plata, Argentina.
- 2011 - Teaching Assistant in Mathematical Analysis (undergraduate course), FiUNLP, La Plata, Argentina.
- S Coelho, E Fieremans, DS Novikov. System, method and computer-accessible medium for determining rotational invariants of cumulant expansion from one or more acquisitions which can be minimal. US Provisional Application 63333856, filed April 22, 2022; converted to full PCT application April 25, 2023.
- S Coelho, E Fieremans, DS Novikov. System, method and computer-accessible medium for diffusion MRI without shells. Provisional patent application 63/412,181, filed September 30, 2022; converted to full PCT application September 30, 2023.
- Physics
- Statistics
- Inverse problems
- Machine Learning
- Scientific Programming
Reviewer (technical journals)